Marlon Williamson

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Limitless: Living Life From A Kingdom Perspective

Marlon Williamson Author

The journey to fully comprehend and experience the Kingdom of God is a life-long journey, worthy of close and careful study. The intent of this writing is to study and to discover the many attributes and principles of the Kingdom of God. A life of intensive study involves not only reading about a subject, but delving into the logic and the reasoning that drive the work and being willing to consider things that you have never considered before. This commitment also requires that we examine our own ideas, in the light of the truth, as it is revealed.When we make the audacious and courageous commitment to do exactly what Jesus suggested, to seek the Kingdom of God first, before our pre-conceived ideas, before the teachings of our fathers, before our “many knotted notions” about what the truth is, we can expect a paradigm shift.

What was on God’s mind when He decided to create man? Unfortunately, the original mandate has been lost
in today’s modern church, and as a result, we are surrounded by an endless cycle of religious activity that fails to produce the outcome of God’s original plan. We have become so preoccupied with going to heaven that we have lost sight of the big picture.

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